Основываясь на многолетнем опыте в сфере производства волоконных решений для лазерных технологий, компания IPG произвела линейку торцевых волоконных инструментов - «IPG Surgical Fiber» LP (Low Power), предназначенных для использования с медицинскими лазерными аппаратами FiberLase VT, FiberLase S и ЛСП-«ИРЭ-Полюс»
«IPG Surgical Fiber» LP используют для рассечения, вапоризации и коагуляции тканей при открытых, эндоскопических и лапароскопических операциях
В состав линейки «IPG Surgical Fiber» LP входят волокна диаметром от 200 до 940 мкм, отличающиеся гибкостью и площадью воздействия на ткань. Такая вариативность позволяет хирургу выбрать необходимый волоконный инструмент для решения конкретной клинической задачи.
Новый лазерный аппарат с длинами волн 0,97 и 1,55 мкм, являющийся идеальным хирургическим инструментом для многопрофильных медицинских учреждений
Предназначен для проведения малоинвазивного лечения варикозного расширения вен методом эндовенозной лазерной коагуляции (ЭВЛК)
Диаметр волокна, мкм (сердцевина) |
200 365 550 940 |
Тип оптического волокна |
кварц/кварц |
Длина волоконного инструмента, м |
3,1 |
Тип разъема |
SMA-905 |
Числовая апертура |
NA=0.22 |
In addition to the standard X-Y-Z axes and laser process head, there are several optional modules and accessories that may optimize the functionality of the system in your specific application. Below are some of the the most popular options.. Please contact IPG directly if you have additional requirements
High-precision, high-speed rotary stage with continuous motion synchronized to X-Y-Z axes
Rotary stage with continuous motion synchronized to X-Y-Z axes
Rotary stage with continuous motion
Camera system aligned with laser beam axis.
Laser power meter with stage-mounted detector for periodic verification of power on target. Useful for verifying performance of process head optics and coverslide.
The Multi-Axis family of workstations are high-accuracy platforms designed to take advantage of the high beam quality found in IPG’s fiber lasers. Systems can be configured using any IPG laser, with laser processing heads available for welding, cutting and scanning applications. System options can include both basic and smart vision packages, along with part identification and process verification hardware.
The Multi-Axis software integrates control of the laser, motion systems and all system components to provide easy programming of the tool using G/M code commands that are familiar to CNC machine programmers.
The software that runs the Multi-Axis Workstations is a customized application called HMI (Human Machine Interface) that runs as a Microsoft Windows® 7 application. It is preloaded and tested at the IPG factory and resides in the workstation’s hard drive.
The HMI program consists of four primary regions:
User screens enable the Engineer, acting as system administrator, to easily set permission levels for each HMI screen for each level of operator and set corresponding passwords.
The system can operate in manual or programmed mode, and has functions to enable Dry-Run (execution of the full program but with the laser not turned on) and Optional Stop – that will allow a pause in the processing cycle for part inspection and other uses.
Used in combination with standard G-code programming, these capabilities provide the user with a comprehensive, easy-to-use programming and operator interface.