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Laser application in urology has proven to be most effective in combination with endoscopy. Laser technology is one of the most important tools in the urological operating room, and is used in the treatment of patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia, bladder tumors, urothelial tumors, and in the treatment of urolithiasis.
The possibility of using two-wave devices that provide independently adjustable generation of radiation at wavelengths of 0.97 and 1.55 microns, allowing effective implementation of EVLC for varicose veins as well as PELC for cutaneous vascular pathology.
Surgical laser methods are very effective in the treatment of proctologic diseases.
Proctologic surgical methods for treatment of proctologic diseases - rectal polyps, hemorrhoids, etc. using laser radiation with a wavelength of 1.94 microns are very effective.
High power of radiation (up to 30 W) with a wavelength of 0.97 microns at the output of a thin working light guide made it possible to create highly effective procedures for treatment of osteomyelitis, non-healed fractures and other similar diseases, based on bone perforation by laser radiation
Treatment of intervertebral disc pathologies with laser radiation can be performed by minimally invasive puncture methods in a day care center. When intervertebral discs are exposed to laser radiation, stimulation of cartilage regeneration has been noted, which improves the results of treatment.
Laser devices with a wavelength of 0.97 microns in gynecology can improve the efficiency of treatment, reduce the likelihood of complications and recurrences, reduce the patient's pain and reduce the time of incapacity for work.
The possibility of carrying out precise, strictly dosed manipulations allows for developing surgeries saving the organ, for example, instead of removing the adenoids, we can limit ourselves to partial removal of connective tissue, form channels in the adenoids to drain the fluid, thus saving this organ, which plays an important role in providing immunity.
When using laser radiation in the range of 1.4-1.6 microns, collagen and elastin fibers are reduced, triggering processes that cause tissue tightening and the disappearance of wrinkles. Today, the most popular are fractionated procedures that use laser radiation on specific areas of the biotissue.
Laser devices are designed for a wide range of soft-tissue procedures in the oral cavity. Maximum absorption of laser energy by hemoglobin and hemoglobin oxide promotes excellent hemostasis - this is one of the main advantages of laser devices with wavelengths of 0.97 and 1.94 microns
Nowadays, we can say that lasers have confidently entered the clinical practice of coronary heart disease treatment bymyocardial laser revascularization. Such operations are combined with aortocoronary bypass surgery.
The use of flexible fiber optic light guides to deliver laser light into the operating area makes laser devices an ideal tool for low invasive endoscopic and puncture operations