
Lasers with a wavelength of 0.97 microns in gynecology can increase the effectiveness of treatment, reduce the likelihood of complications and recurrences, reduce pain for the patient and shorten the time of their disability.

Possible applications:

  • Leukoplakia of the vulva;
  • Vulval dysplasia stage I-II (VIN);
  • Condylomas and human papilloma virus;
  • Cyst or abscess of the bartholinic gland;
  • Cysts in the vulva and labia;
  • Hypertrophy of the small labia;
  • Condylomas of the vagina;
  • Vaginal cysts;
  • Cervical dysplasia I-II +stages (CIN);
  • Cervical Condylomas;
  • Leukoplakia;
  • Cervical ectropion and cicatricial deformities of the cervix (for specific indications);
  • Polyp of the lower third of the cervical canal;
  • Cervical endometriosis;
  • Endometrial polyp.

The emergence of affordable and reliable Russian equipment on semiconductor lasers creates conditions for their wider implementation in health care. In gynecology, surgical lasers are a promising direction for the development of surgery of the external genitals, vagina, cervix and uterine cavity. In surgical gynecology semiconductor lasers can be used to perform various operations. Their use allows for reliable coagulation to provide a smaller area of thermal damage to adjacent tissues compared to cryo, electrical and HF dissection methods.

Advantages of using lasers in gynecology:

• Coagulation in the incision area, thus reducing blood loss. The surgeon can work on a dry surgical field;
• The sanitizing effect of laser radiation reduces the risk of inflammation and infection of various infections;
• Laser radiation stimulates reparative processes, which, along with a small zone of coagulation necrosis, contributes to rapid regeneration and healing of wounds by primary tension; the laser wound heals without scarring, with a good cosmetic effect;
• Laser exposure is accompanied by minimal tissue edema, and surgical and postoperative pain is reduced;
• Due to less inflammatory reaction on the border of the necrosis zone, epithelialization is faster compared to traditional, electro- and cryosurgical methods of treatment, which significantly reduces the period of wound healing;
• Operations on the cervix do not displace the border between the multilayer, flat and columnar epithelium deep into the cervical canal. This border is located in the area of the external pharynx, which makes it possible to examine this zone most susceptible to malignant transformation during colposcopy;

• Due to the low penetrating ability of radiation and minimal tissue damage, rough scars and stenoses are not formed, which is especially valuable in the treatment of cervical diseases in women of reproductive age, including those who have not given birth;
• The use of laser allows planning a pregnancy, as laser radiation does not affect the opening of the cervix during delivery;
• Laser treatment in gynecology can usually be performed on an outpatient basis, without hospitalization;
• The need for medications decreases;
• The postoperative period and duration of treatment are reduced;
• Laser treatment has no age-related restrictions.

We recommend the laser device for use in inpatient and outpatient treatment of gynecological diseases.

FiberLase S

A new 0.97 micron and 1.55 micron wavelength laser that is the ideal surgical tool for interdisciplinary medical institutions


IPG Surgical Fiber LP

Bare fiber for VTLase and FiberLase S lasers

Designed for dissection, vaporization and coagulation of tissues during open, endoscopic and laparoscopic surgeries